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Modified Edirol V8

Modified Edirol V8

$ 0.00

The Big Bad Voodoo Daddy of Glitch Video Mixers.  Composite, S-video, VGA.

Out of stock

SKU: v8-modified Category:



RARITY: LOW. I am still able to obtain these mixers. If not in stock please follow BPMC on IG & FB for availability notifications.


Features: 9 global RAM corruption knobs & 5 LED pushbutton based FX.


Please note I am only able to facilitate a few of these a year.  My V4 discovery a couple years back led me to ask, “why not a V8?  why not a V4-EX?”  The V8 in it’s unmodified form is a fantastic mixer with every conceivable composite video mixer bell and/or whistle.  On the V8 they essentially took the v4 and added 4 more composite inputs,  s-video i/o, VGA i/o, high quality BNC connectors, additional transitions, additional effects and upscaled to a heavier duty aluminum enclosure.  While the V8 has the same architecture as the V4 it’s utilized differently.  Due to these differences I am only able to cull global glitch video fx out of the V8.  This key difference makes it a slightly different beast in the glitch sense despite having identical effects.  That said, the glitch effects are lovely and fragment your signal in disturbing and joyous ways.  I’ve set them up as a 9 point knob bay with additional color processing effects on the pushbuttons.


Please note that the dirty luma trails effect I wire up on the V4 is included in the onboard effects as “after image.”  You also have threshold control on it via the channel parameter fader which is rad (and not present on the V4 mod).